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“In case you prefer to READ instead of looking at the video,
here is the text, but please allow yourself to “sense”
or “feel the energy” behind the words…
Thank you!

Did you know that everything you deeply desire is already in you?

Hello and welcome to Awakening Coaching!

I am Dr. Monica Garaycoechea known as Doctor Monica just to make it shorter 😊 and I’m here to support you on your awakening journey so you can experience fulfillment in all areas of your life!

Let me tell you a little bit about my relationship with private coaching…

Looking back, I realize the benefit of having a “private coaching” at your disposal when your call to awakening “knocks on the door” because it is true that sometimes it seems that your world is collapsing, and you still don’t have the inner strength and clarity to enjoy the process.

About 40 years ago when I was at the bottom … in the painful world of unconsciousness, you know, reacting and surviving, being the victim of all my problems, blaming the outside for everything, and doing everything I could to keep my responsibilities and my life in order, I realize that it was hard and exhausting to maintain an apparent “being well” or like many people say “fine” while feeling miserable inside me…

I was not happy in my marriage and, in my profession even though I really liked it, I was living it as an escape from myself. The pain of loneliness and abandonment I had inside, which I was not aware of yet, was covered by doing, doing, doing, all the time… better to not stop so you don’t feel so much, right?…

Well… a whole period of suffering or unconsciousness, without really understanding who I was or how LIFE works. The thing is, yes, ….. I was surviving, until at one moment … an internal force began to “knock on the Door” and to call my attention … Apparently, I was ready to focus on understanding myself and how life works.

Back then I didn’t have a coach or personal trainer, it wasn’t yet popular at the time, so I started my Awakening Path traveling to retreats with powerful spiritual masters like Eckhart Tolle, Gangaji, Adyashanti, A Course of Miracles, vision quests, rebirthing or Natural Breathing, Mooji, Abraham-Hicks, … and everything I felt attracted to…. And… many times after having wonderful realizations I would come home and get lost in my own pain and stories…. Once again!

But little by little, during a period of about 8-10 years….my energy was changing, so much that I changed profession and dedicated myself fully to facilitate and to support my clients to discover their inner Truth, to release wounds and limitations and co-create WELL BEING and fulfillment in their lives as I did with mine.

So, yes… The support and perseverance needed to keep you on track integrating your new understandings and discoveries is, from my experience, super important to make your Awakening Journey easier and faster!

To understand and integrate deeply:

  • How you create your life
  • How to be 100% responsible for your experiences from deep understanding and true compassion
  • How to release or detach from conditioning and reactions
  • How to get out of victim consciousness and integrate true empowerment
  • How to master your thinking and achieve the mastery of your mental and emotional body,which are the responsible for all your experiences
  • How to listen to your inner guidance
  • How to make new decisions and support your new creations, etc

And, all of these requires:

  • Clear intention
  • Focus
  • Perseverance

Because the most common and extremely popular and powerful collective tendency is to return to the old programs of powerless, victim, criticism, negativity, scarcity, and complaint that unconsciously we learned and believe we are.

Knowing this, I honestly think that it’s good for you to have someone you can trust and sit with so that you can open your heart and wounds knowing that you’re supported when it comes to doing your inner work like…

  • To love yourself unconditionally
  • To learn to enjoy your awakening journey
  • To learn to enjoy your life in all its aspects…. Relationships, prosperity, health, creativity, etc.

Having your Awakening Coach by your side, who supports you to see and get the best out of you and who is always mindful of your deepest desires it’s a very powerful gift you can give yourself.

With this Awakening coaching you can understand that everything you deeply desire is already in you and that your work is to give light-awareness so you can release all your wounds, limitations or conditionings to free yourself from limitations and illusions and let you be guided by your deepest and wisest essence, that is, to be in unity with your Being or Soul, that part of you that is ONE with Source.

With this work you will discover that the Source wants to give you everything you want but you are the one who has barriers to understanding, trusting, and receiving. Only because you are not yet aware of your true nature or identity.

As the Awakening Coach I am here to support you to release your wounded and limited self to discover your True Self so that you can make new decisions towards your true satisfaction and well-being.

“In case you prefer to READ instead of looking at the video,
here is the text, but please allow yourself to “sense”
or “feel the energy” behind the words…
Thank you!

Did you know that everything you deeply desire is already in you?

Hello and welcome to Awakening Coaching!

I am Dr. Monica Garaycoechea known as Doctor Monica just to make it shorter 😊 and I’m here to support you on your awakening journey so you can experience fulfillment in all areas of your life!

Let me tell you a little bit about my relationship with private coaching…

Looking back, I realize the benefit of having a “private coaching” at your disposal when your call to awakening “knocks on the door” because it is true that sometimes it seems that your world is collapsing, and you still don’t have the inner strength and clarity to enjoy the process.

About 40 years ago when I was at the bottom … in the painful world of unconsciousness, you know, reacting and surviving, being the victim of all my problems, blaming the outside for everything, and doing everything I could to keep my responsibilities and my life in order, I realize that it was hard and exhausting to maintain an apparent “being well” or like many people say “fine” while feeling miserable inside me…

I was not happy in my marriage and, in my profession even though I really liked it, I was living it as an escape from myself. The pain of loneliness and abandonment I had inside, which I was not aware of yet, was covered by doing, doing, doing, all the time… better to not stop so you don’t feel so much, right?…

Well… a whole period of suffering or unconsciousness, without really understanding who I was or how LIFE works. The thing is, yes, ….. I was surviving, until at one moment … an internal force began to “knock on the Door” and to call my attention … Apparently, I was ready to focus on understanding myself and how life works.

Back then I didn’t have a coach or personal trainer, it wasn’t yet popular at the time, so I started my Awakening Path traveling to retreats with powerful spiritual masters like Eckhart Tolle, Gangaji, Adyashanti, A Course of Miracles, vision quests, rebirthing or Natural Breathing, Mooji, Abraham-Hicks, … and everything I felt attracted to…. And… many times after having wonderful realizations I would come home and get lost in my own pain and stories…. Once again!

But little by little, during a period of about 8-10 years….my energy was changing, so much that I changed profession and dedicated myself fully to facilitate and to support my clients to discover their inner Truth, to release wounds and limitations and co-create WELL BEING and fulfillment in their lives as I did with mine.

So, yes… The support and perseverance needed to keep you on track integrating your new understandings and discoveries is, from my experience, super important to make your Awakening Journey easier and faster!

To understand and integrate deeply:

  • How you create your life
  • How to be 100% responsible for your experiences from deep understanding and true compassion
  • How to release or detach from conditioning and reactions
  • How to get out of victim consciousness and integrate true empowerment
  • How to master your thinking and achieve the mastery of your mental and emotional body, which are the responsible for all your experiences
  • How to listen to your inner guidance
  • How to make new decisions and support your new creations, etc.

And, all of these requires:

  • Clear intention
  • Focus
  • Perseverance

Because the most common and extremely popular and powerful collective tendency is to return to the old programs of powerless, victim, criticism, negativity, scarcity, and complaint that unconsciously we learned and believe we are.

Knowing this, I honestly think that it’s good for you to have someone you can trust and sit with so that you can open your heart and wounds knowing that you’re supported when it comes to doing your inner work like…

  • To love yourself unconditionally
  • To learn to enjoy your awakening journey
  • To learn to enjoy your life in all its aspects…. Relationships, prosperity, health, creativity, etc.

Having your Awakening Coach by your side, who supports you to see and get the best out of you and who is always mindful of your deepest desires it’s a very powerful gift you can give yourself.

With this Awakening coaching you can understand that everything you deeply desire is already in you and that your work is to give light-awareness so you can release all your wounds, limitations or conditionings to free yourself from limitations and illusions and let you be guided by your deepest and wisest essence, that is, to be in unity with your Being or Soul, that part of you that is ONE with Source.

With this work you will discover that the Source wants to give you everything you want but you are the one who has barriers to understanding, trusting, and receiving. Only because you are not yet aware of your true nature or identity

As the Awakening Coach I am here to support you to release your wounded and limited self to discover your True Self so that you can make new decisions towards your true satisfaction and well-being.

In case you prefer to READ
instead of looking at the video,
here is the text,

but please allow yourself to “sense”
or “feel the energy” behind the words…
Thank you!

Did you know that everything you deeply desire is already in you?

Hello and welcome to Awakening Coaching!

I am Dr. Monica Garaycoechea known as Doctor Monica just to make it shorter 😊 and I’m here to support you on your awakening journey so you can experience fulfillment in all areas of your life!

Let me tell you a little bit about my relationship with private coaching…

Looking back, I realize the benefit of having a “private coaching” at your disposal when your call to awakening “knocks on the door” because it is true that sometimes it seems that your world is collapsing, and you still don’t have the inner strength and clarity to enjoy the process.

About 40 years ago when I was at the bottom … in the painful world of unconsciousness, you know, reacting and surviving, being the victim of all my problems, blaming the outside for everything, and doing everything I could to keep my responsibilities and my life in order, I realize that it was hard and exhausting to maintain an apparent “being well” or like many people say “fine” while feeling miserable inside me…

I was not happy in my marriage and, in my profession even though I really liked it, I was living it as an escape from myself. The pain of loneliness and abandonment I had inside, which I was not aware of yet, was covered by doing, doing, doing, all the time… better to not stop so you don’t feel so much, right?…

Well… a whole period of suffering or unconsciousness, without really understanding who I was or how LIFE works. The thing is, yes, ….. I was surviving, until at one moment … an internal force began to “knock on the Door” and to call my attention … Apparently, I was ready to focus on understanding myself and how life works.

Back then I didn’t have a coach or personal trainer, it wasn’t yet popular at the time, so I started my Awakening Path traveling to retreats with powerful spiritual masters like Eckhart Tolle, Gangaji, Adyashanti, A Course of Miracles, vision quests, rebirthing or Natural Breathing, Mooji, Abraham-Hicks, … and everything I felt attracted to…. And… many times after having wonderful realizations I would come home and get lost in my own pain and stories…. Once again!

But little by little, during a period of about 8-10 years….my energy was changing, so much that I changed profession and dedicated myself fully to facilitate and to support my clients to discover their inner Truth, to release wounds and limitations and co-create WELL BEING and fulfillment in their lives as I did with mine.

So, yes… The support and perseverance needed to keep you on track integrating your new understandings and discoveries is, from my experience, super important to make your Awakening Journey easier and faster!

To understand and integrate deeply:

  • How you create your life
  • How to be 100% responsible for your experiences from deep understanding and true compassion
  • How to release or detach from conditioning and reactions
  • How to get out of victim consciousness and integrate true empowerment
  • How to master your thinking and achieve the mastery of your mental and emotional body which are the responsible for all your experiences.
  • How to listen to your inner guidance
  • How to make new decisions and support your new creations, etc.

And, all of these requires:

  • Clear intention
  • Focus
  • Perseverance

Because the most common and extremely popular and powerful collective tendency is to return to the old programs of powerless, victim, criticism, negativity, scarcity, and complaint that unconsciously we learned and believe we are.

Knowing this, I honestly think that it’s good for you to have someone you can trust and sit with so that you can open your heart and wounds knowing that you’re supported when it comes to doing your inner work like…

  • To love yourself unconditionally
  • To learn to enjoy your awakening journey
  • To learn to enjoy your life in all its aspects…. Relationships, prosperity, health, creativity, etc.

Having your Awakening Coach by your side, who supports you to see and get the best out of you and who is always mindful of your deepest desires it’s a very powerful gift you can give yourself.

With this Awakening coaching you can understand that everything you deeply desire is already in you and that your work is to give light-awareness so you can release all your wounds, limitations or conditionings to free yourself from limitations and illusions and let you be guided by your deepest and wisest essence, that is, to be in unity with your Being or Soul, that part of you that is ONE with Source.

With this work you will discover that the Source wants to give you everything you want but you are the one who has barriers to understanding, trusting, and receiving. Only because you are not yet aware of your true nature or identity.

As the Awakening Coach, I am here to support you to release your wounded and limited self to discover your True Self so that you can make new decisions towards your true satisfaction and well-being.


Well, ok… if you’re ready to come out of suffering, understand yourself, your experiences and life, let’s see together how this private coaching works:

I am currently living in Costa Rica and I work internationally, by phone, messenger, WhatsApp, zoom or Skype supporting you in the comfort of your own home or place of choice.

On your side, you need to reserve an hour of sacred time for yourself and your inner work, in your favorite place and undisturbed from the outside world.

From now on, the relationship with yourself becomes sacred and super important.

We will have a private online session of 45-60 minutes one day a week the 1st, 2st and 3rd week of the month.

Week 4 and sometimes 5 we rest.

We’ll start the session by preparing you so you can detect and become aware of what’s really going on inside you…. you will develop the “deep listening” that is necessary for you to Wake up. Next, we’ll allow your heart to define the intent of your particular cycle or session and from there we will take the necessary time to bring the Awareness or LIGHT that you essentially are, to patterns, ego strategies, wounds and limitations that you’re experiencing in your life and that prevent you from living in satisfaction or well-being.

With my guide, you will detach and loosen the limitations from a place of Presence-Silence and then, once free we will support the education of your mind towards your new self-discovery or wellbeing with a new way of thinking to help you integrate your inner work.
Then, together, we will discern your “Work at Home”, the practice and approach for your time between sessions.

Here I want to take the time to emphasize the beauty of using your daily life as your spiritual practice… what do I mean by this?

What I mean is that you can and must be humble and honest to allow your human side, with its ups and downs, desires, fears, needs, attachments, wounds, difficult relationships, financial stress, health problems, or whatever limits you to be your practice and spiritual path.

What I mean is to learn how to use your human part to wake you up in your Being…. To become a DIVINE or AWAKENED HUMAN BEING!

Can you imagine?

In each session you will be able to discover the Truth behind the illusion of limitations, you will experience how in the presence of LIGHT (your own consciousness or Presence) all that is not light disappears….


And yet…. it can’t be explained correctly, you have to experience it! 😊

Ok, back to Logistics…

During your coaching or training time with me, you will have unlimited access to me via email, WhatsApp or messenger to share and receive support in case you need help understanding and accepting your process; this way you can continue to integrate and embody the new YOU that you’re discovering, the TRUE YOU in alignment with Truth!

I offer cycles of 1-3-6-12 months depending on your needs and commitment to yourself and your deepest desires. Most of my new clients start with a 3-month cycle to have the space and time to really experience the internal change that naturally happens with these sessions. And then in general they extend to a 12-month cycle until they trust to relate to their life from a higher place or Presence, following their inner guidance and well-being.

I love long-term commitments because your Awakening is not something to “fix” quickly, it is not a FIXING thing… it’s a natural process of discovering, surrendering, self-realization and mastery so you can enjoy being a conscious co-creator.

Seeing your life and world from the eyes of your True Self is a new level of consciousness and a new mindset and it may take some time for your ego or false identification to allow this “newness”.

You know…. Having your own private Awakening Coach by your side becomes a wonderful support because life keeps expanding and opening space for you to wake up, to be free, to feel complete, satisfied and fulfilled …

So yes, as you can see, there is always more, and you never finish having the opportunity to expand more and more… never ending 😊

The good news is that this path of Awakening becomes easier and easier when it comes to relating and creating your life from your true nature or well-being.

I hope that now that you know me and my Awakening Coaching more, you can detect if you really resonate with my energy and work, and if so, schedule your Free Exploration Session, fill in the box at the bottom of the page with your information, so we can get to know each other and experience together the true power of your being so you can open up to an easy and joyful Awakening journey, accepting that…

in all areas of your life!!!

Thank you for your time and interest. Looking forward to knowing you deeply and to support your Awakening Journey.

I send you a big hug full of passion for life! 
LOVE, Monica


Well, ok… if you’re ready to come out of suffering, understand yourself, your experiences and life, let’s see together how this private coaching works:

I am currently living in Costa Rica and I work internationally, by phone, messenger, WhatsApp, zoom or Skype supporting you in the comfort of your own home or place of choice.

On your side, you need to reserve an hour of sacred time for yourself and your inner work, in your favorite place and undisturbed from the outside world.

From now on, the relationship with yourself becomes sacred and super important.

We will have a private online session of 45-60 minutes one day a week the 1st, 2st and 3rd week of the month.

Week 4 and sometimes 5 we rest.

We’ll start the session by preparing you so you can detect and become aware of what’s really going on inside you…. you will develop the “deep listening” that is necessary for you to Wake up. Next, we’ll allow your heart to define the intent of your particular cycle or session and from there we will take the necessary time to bring the Awareness or LIGHT that you essentially are, to patterns, ego strategies, wounds and limitations that you’re experiencing in your life and that prevent you from living in satisfaction or well-being.

With my guide, you will detach and loosen the limitations from a place of Presence-Silence and then, once free we will support the education of your mind towards your new self-discovery or wellbeing with a new way of thinking to help you integrate your inner work.

Then, together, we will discern your “Work at Home”, the practice and approach for your time between sessions.

Here I want to take the time to emphasize the beauty of using your daily life as your spiritual practice… what do I mean by this?

What I mean is that you can and must be humble and honest to allow your human side, with its ups and downs, desires, fears, needs, attachments, wounds, difficult relationships, financial stress, health problems, or whatever limits you to be your practice and spiritual path.

What I mean is to learn how to use your human part to wake you up in your Being…. To become a DIVINE or AWAKENED HUMAN BEING!

Can you imagine?

In each session you will be able to discover the Truth behind the illusion of limitations, you will experience how in the presence of LIGHT (your own consciousness or Presence) all that is not light disappears….


And yet…. it can’t be explained correctly, you have to experience it! 😊

Ok, back to Logistics…

During your coaching or training time with me, you will have unlimited access to me via email, WhatsApp or messenger to share and receive support in case you need help understanding and accepting your process; this way you can continue to integrate and embody the new YOU that you’re discovering, the TRUE YOU in alignment with Truth!

I offer cycles of 1-3-6-12 months depending on your needs and commitment to yourself and your deepest desires. Most of my new clients start with a 3-month cycle to have the space and time to really experience the internal change that naturally happens with these sessions. And then in general they extend to a 12-month cycle until they trust to relate to their life from a higher place or Presence, following their inner guidance and well-being.

I love long-term commitments because your Awakening is not something to “fix” quickly, it is not a FIXING thing… it’s a natural process of discovering, surrendering, self-realization and mastery so you can enjoy being a conscious co-creator.

Seeing your life and world from the eyes of your True Self is a new level of consciousness and a new mindset and it may take some time for your ego or false identification to allow this “newness”.

You know…. Having your own private Awakening Coach by your side becomes a wonderful support because life keeps expanding and opening space for you to wake up, to be free, to feel complete, satisfied and fulfilled …

So yes, as you can see, there is always more, and you never finish having the opportunity to expand more and more… never ending 😊

The good news is that this path of Awakening becomes easier and easier when it comes to relating and creating your life from your true nature or well-being.

I hope that now that you know me and my Awakening Coaching more, you can detect if you really resonate with my energy and work, and if so, schedule your Free Exploration Session, fill in the box at the bottom of the page with your information, so we can get to know each other and experience together the true power of your being so you can open up to an easy and joyful Awakening journey, accepting that…

in all areas of your life!!!

Thank you for your time and interest. Looking forward to knowing you deeply and to support your Awakening Journey.

I send you a big hug full of passion for life! 
LOVE, Monica


Well, ok… if you’re ready to come out of suffering, understand yourself, your experiences and life, let’s see together how this private coaching works:

I am currently living in Costa Rica and I work internationally, by phone, messenger, WhatsApp, zoom or Skype supporting you in the comfort of your own home or place of choice.

On your side, you need to reserve an hour of sacred time for yourself and your inner work, in your favorite place and undisturbed from the outside world.

From now on, the relationship with yourself becomes sacred and super important.

We will have a private online session of 45-60 minutes one day a week the 1st, 2st and 3rd week of the month.

Week 4 and sometimes 5 we rest.

We’ll start the session by preparing you so you can detect and become aware of what’s really going on inside you…. you will develop the “deep listening” that is necessary for you to Wake up. Next, we’ll allow your heart to define the intent of your particular cycle or session and from there we will take the necessary time to bring the Awareness or LIGHT that you essentially are, to patterns, ego strategies, wounds and limitations that you’re experiencing in your life and that prevent you from living in satisfaction or well-being.

With my guide, you will detach and loosen the limitations from a place of Presence-Silence and then, once free we will support the education of your mind towards your new self-discovery or wellbeing with a new way of thinking to help you integrate your inner work.

Then, together, we will discern your “Work at Home”, the practice and approach for your time between sessions.

Here I want to take the time to emphasize the beauty of using your daily life as your spiritual practice… what do I mean by this?

What I mean is that you can and must be humble and honest to allow your human side, with its ups and downs, desires, fears, needs, attachments, wounds, difficult relationships, financial stress, health problems, or whatever limits you to be your practice and spiritual path.

What I mean is to learn how to use your human part to wake you up in your Being…. To become a DIVINE or AWAKENED HUMAN BEING!

Can you imagine?

In each session you will be able to discover the Truth behind the illusion of limitations, you will experience how in the presence of LIGHT (your own consciousness or Presence) all that is not light disappears….


And yet…. it can’t be explained correctly, you have to experience it! 😊

Ok, back to Logistics…

During your coaching or training time with me, you will have unlimited access to me via email, WhatsApp or messenger to share and receive support in case you need help understanding and accepting your process; this way you can continue to integrate and embody the new YOU that you’re discovering, the TRUE YOU in alignment with Truth!

I offer cycles of 1-3-6-12 months depending on your needs and commitment to yourself and your deepest desires. Most of my new clients start with a 3-month cycle to have the space and time to really experience the internal change that naturally happens with these sessions. And then in general they extend to a 12-month cycle until they trust to relate to their life from a higher place or Presence, following their inner guidance and well-being.

I love long-term commitments because your Awakening is not something to “fix” quickly, it is not a FIXING thing… it’s a natural process of discovering, surrendering, self-realization and mastery so you can enjoy being a conscious co-creator.

Seeing your life and world from the eyes of your True Self is a new level of consciousness and a new mindset and it may take some time for your ego or false identification to allow this “newness”.

You know…. Having your own private Awakening Coach by your side becomes a wonderful support because life keeps expanding and opening space for you to wake up, to be free, to feel complete, satisfied and fulfilled …

So yes, as you can see, there is always more, and you never finish having the opportunity to expand more and more… never ending 😊

The good news is that this path of Awakening becomes easier and easier when it comes to relating and creating your life from your true nature or well-being.

I hope that now that you know me and my Awakening Coaching more, you can detect if you really resonate with my energy and work, and if so, schedule your Free Exploration Session, fill in the box at the bottom of the page with your information, so we can get to know each other and experience together the true power of your being so you can open up to an easy and joyful Awakening journey, accepting that…


in all areas of your life!!!

Thank you for your time and interest. Looking forward to knowing you deeply and to support your Awakening Journey.

I send you a big hug full of passion for life! 
LOVE, Monica


Beatrice de Buchet

Monica is an amazing and unique healer. She is delicate but fierce.

I immediately felt that I could trust and share my deepest, darkest fears. Because my fears were pure illusions.

In order for me to unwrap my truth, she accompanied me in my darkness’s with love and transformed it with so much talent and agility.

My reality has shifted in ways beyond my wildest dreams after a short period of time.

The epiphanies and breakthroughs she guided me through in her 9 months 1:1 coaching process have been invaluable.

I highly recommend Monica and could not feel more blissful to have been Coached by Monica on my journey of transformation.” – Beatrice de Buchet

Itzel Compan

This year of coaching has evoked a deep change within myself.

Before I started, I was completely identified with the wounds and the pain. And hooked up to the illusion of believing that all that was really me.

Today, after working with Doctor Mónica, I feel free, joyful and capable of embracing and liberating anything life brings upon myself.

At a professional level, I’d like to thank you Mónica for all your support!

Thanks to you, today I feel very prepared and I enjoy a clear sense of my own WORTHINESS and my value as a coach.

I’ve been able to project this healthy sense of trust and security into my clients, and I’ve witnessed the change and improvement in their lives.” – Itzel Compañ

Karine Rodengen

Dear Monica, I just want to share that my coaching with you has made a tremendous impact on my life.

With your incredible support I have been able to connect to myself in a new level of consciousness and get to know my heart deeply.

I am amazed at how, in just a few sessions, you are able to support me to have the capacity to see any situation in a completely different light.

Thanks to you I am now able to relate to my mother from a space of peace, and use that practice in all of my relationships, including the one with myself. I feel so much gratitude for you.

Your dedication, your love and support is beyond description…

Thank you, thank you, thank you 💗🙏💗 With love in my heart,
– Karine Rodengen

Alice Dommert

When I first began to work with Doctor Monica, I knew she was just the coach I needed at this time.

I have had business coaches and done a lot of personal work in a group environment.

Doctor Monica has been able to help me uncover and heal the dark places that I was afraid to go.

Week after week we check in with my heart to see what is stirring and I can see my growth and maturity, courage and love growing with her guidance.

It has not been easy, and I could not have done it without her.

It does not matter why or how you are stuck or feeling dissatisfied, Doctor Monica will walk with you to find the path.

The work with her is invaluable to my life now, and my future as a conscious mother, sister and woman.

I know the world needs my light. Monica is helping me to shine brightly.

Make this investment in yourself. You are worth it.
                                                                                             Alice Dommert, CEO Prasada

Montse Ceide

Working with Mónica is absolutely delicious, deep, liberating and transforming.

She has a unique gift to connect with our feminine soul, from a total acceptance and unconditional love.

I felt completely free and I could, thanks to her loving guidance, connect with deep layers of my female soul, to accept and love all the pain that was there.

That generated a transformation which soon manifested itself in my daily life, generating more love and respect for myself in all aspects, allowing me to flow more easily in my personal truth.

Thank you, Monica. It is a joy to have met you and work with you. And greatest joy even to know that we are connected.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

– Montse Ceide

Paula Koppel

Working with Doctor Mónica has had an impact on my life on many levels.

At the most basic level, Monica has helped me discover my true nature and each week she gives me an opportunity to see more clearly who I am, beyond my roles in daily life.

Each coaching, she creates the space for me to safely listen to what my body and heart want me to hear.

I have discovered how to be more aware of my deepest feelings without being consumed by them.

On a very practical level, I am beyond my feelings and roles. I don’t see myself as someone who is sad, anxious or never good enough. Instead I know that at my core I am happy, calm and compassionate.

This level of self-understanding, results in a greater sense of peace and ease in my work and relationships.

Each week, the universe graces me with new opportunities and Mónica has helped me to be open and receptive to these gifts.

– Paula Koppel, Founder of Age Well Be Well Wellness coach and inspiring speaker.

Carlos Agut

Thank you for your support, your guidance and teachings, are very important for me because even on the phone, I could experience them with a great depth of feeling and kept that experience with a calm mind and an awake heart, and those experiences are priceless.

They are also inexplicable if you do not experience them.

I do not know how is your work with other people, but I have certainly found a way for my awakening, simple and direct than, and even though I have done many work with myself, I did not reach this intensity and duration of contact with the Source, to this active and trans-formative stillness.

In the future I hope to see you again, I hope that in person and thus I can have a complete training of your way of working.

– Carlos Agut Fernandez,
Psychologist- (Castellón/Spain)

Patty Gregory

Monica’s Awakening coaching is elegant and powerful. Over the past year working together, we have explored an array of issues as concrete as entrepreneurial goal setting, health and wellness, pain management to deeper, more personal and spiritual inquiries.

The one-hour session is a deep and gently paced experience, usually resulting in an energy shift into a poignant revelation, or a profound sense of lightness and well-being.

Monica has a remarkable ability to quickly and artfully guide me to the core of the issue. I’ve even experienced immediate relief from chronic physical pain within a single session.

With Monica’s presence and clarity, I’ve gone beyond “the story” while learning to stay present to the moment and to my emotions. Together we’ve, identified personal patterns and blockages, demystifying and re-framing issues that previously felt dense or overwhelming.

I have come to love the practice of Monica’s “loving presence” which has brought to my personal and creative life, truer self-expression and a deeper awareness of my inner landscape.

After our sessions I find that I have more energy to execute my goals and am more productive .
I’m grateful for my courage to say “Yes” to myself and invest in this transformational journey with you.

                                                                                             – Patty Gregory, Singer, MA

Concha Campos

Monica is a wise teacher who in a tender and safe way, accompanies you on the journey of deepening and self-knowledge of who you really are. Hand in hand she leads you to safe spaces where the mind is set aside and shows you the essence of your Being.

I have known Monica’s work for more than 20 years and throughout this time she has been experimenting and understanding that there are other ways to live and enjoy LIFE.

She supports you in releasing heaviness-limitations, releasing wounds and showing others that we are more than a body. We are beings of Light.

Her work as a coach is unique, with a great wealth of emotions, which emerge from the heart and not from the mind.

To discover the strength of the heart and the light that we are, that is the uniqueness of this precious and beautiful work that she performs.

In gratitude,” Concha Campos

Begoña Jimenez

“At the beginning of this year 2020 I decided to contact Doctor Monica, I know her work well, since years ago thanks to her I began my personal adventure, after a process and a lot of commitment, I woke up a part in me that connected me with a more authentic, free and trusting life.

I am an entrepreneur and my mind is always planning for the future, so wanting to reconnect with the present and stop this troubled mind, we started our sessions again.

It has also coincided with a moment that no one wanted or expected and surrendering to this situation of confinement has been a great self-discovery opportunity, which is bringing me more confidence and harmony.

Thanks to her guide I continue to discover myself and accept every moment in this change worldwide, it is not only strengthening me, I also live it curiously.

Thank you Monica, your work is very POWERFUL and LIBERATING.

– Begoña Jimenez

Majbrit Bartholdy

I, who for so many years have been convinced of the traditional and conservative form of treatment / mindset and who for a long period of my life have regarded my lung problems as incurable, have now been Coached by Monica for a month. During that month I have worked intensively with a change in my view of myself, my body, my “illness”, my life, my relationship with my husband, my home and of course with a lot of focus on my lungs, which are the ones that show me that there is an imbalance in my life.
I am in process, no doubt about it and developing more and more a belief that my mindset is contributing to how I feel.
Monica coaching is direct and persistent, she immediately sees where the shoe is pressing and holds on to the “problem”, and shows the way to move on from there. Everything is turned upside down.
I consider Monica to be a very competent coach, you can safely trust your innermost guts

– Majbrit Bartholdy


Beatrice de Buchet

Monica is an amazing and unique healer. She is delicate but fierce.

I immediately felt that I could trust and share my deepest, darkest fears. Because my fears were pure illusions.

In order for me to unwrap my truth, she accompanied me in my darkness’s with love and transformed it with so much talent and agility.

My reality has shifted in ways beyond my wildest dreams after a short period of time.

The epiphanies and breakthroughs she guided me through in her 9 months 1:1 coaching process have been invaluable.

I highly recommend Monica and could not feel more blissful to have been Coached by Monica on my journey of transformation.” – Beatrice de Buchet

Itzel Compan

This year of coaching has evoked a deep change within myself.

Before I started, I was completely identified with the wounds and the pain. And hooked up to the illusion of believing that all that was really me.

Today, after working with Doctor Mónica, I feel free, joyful and capable of embracing and liberating anything life brings upon myself.

At a professional level, I’d like to thank you Mónica for all your support!

Thanks to you, today I feel very prepared and I enjoy a clear sense of my own WORTHINESS and my value as a coach.

I’ve been able to project this healthy sense of trust and security into my clients, and I’ve witnessed the change and improvement in their lives.” – Itzel Compañ

Karine Rodengen

Dear Monica, I just want to share that my coaching with you has made a tremendous impact on my life.

With your incredible support I have been able to connect to myself in a new level of consciousness and get to know my heart deeply.

I am amazed at how, in just a few sessions, you are able to support me to have the capacity to see any situation in a completely different light.

Thanks to you I am now able to relate to my mother from a space of peace, and use that practice in all of my relationships, including the one with myself. I feel so much gratitude for you.

Your dedication, your love and support is beyond description…

Thank you, thank you, thank you 💗🙏💗 With love in my heart,
– Karine Rodengen

Alice Dommert

When I first began to work with Doctor Monica, I knew she was just the coach I needed at this time.

I have had business coaches and done a lot of personal work in a group environment.

Doctor Monica has been able to help me uncover and heal the dark places that I was afraid to go.

Week after week we check in with my heart to see what is stirring and I can see my growth and maturity, courage and love growing with her guidance.

It has not been easy, and I could not have done it without her.

It does not matter why or how you are stuck or feeling dissatisfied, Doctor Monica will walk with you to find the path.

The work with her is invaluable to my life now, and my future as a conscious mother, sister and woman.

I know the world needs my light. Monica is helping me to shine brightly.

Make this investment in yourself. You are worth it.
                                                                                             Alice Dommert, CEO Prasada

Montse Ceide

Working with Mónica is absolutely delicious, deep, liberating and transforming.

She has a unique gift to connect with our feminine soul, from a total acceptance and unconditional love.

I felt completely free and I could, thanks to her loving guidance, connect with deep layers of my female soul, to accept and love all the pain that was there.

That generated a transformation which soon manifested itself in my daily life, generating more love and respect for myself in all aspects, allowing me to flow more easily in my personal truth.

Thank you, Monica. It is a joy to have met you and work with you. And greatest joy even to know that we are connected.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

– Montse Ceide

Paula Koppel

Working with Doctor Mónica has had an impact on my life on many levels.

At the most basic level, Monica has helped me discover my true nature and each week she gives me an opportunity to see more clearly who I am, beyond my roles in daily life.

Each coaching, she creates the space for me to safely listen to what my body and heart want me to hear.

I have discovered how to be more aware of my deepest feelings without being consumed by them.

On a very practical level, I am beyond my feelings and roles. I don’t see myself as someone who is sad, anxious or never good enough. Instead I know that at my core I am happy, calm and compassionate.

This level of self-understanding, results in a greater sense of peace and ease in my work and relationships.

Each week, the universe graces me with new opportunities and Mónica has helped me to be open and receptive to these gifts.

– Paula Koppel, Founder of Age Well Be Well Wellness coach and inspiring speaker.

Carlos Agut

Thank you for your support, your guidance and teachings, are very important for me because even on the phone, I could experience them with a great depth of feeling and kept that experience with a calm mind and an awake heart, and those experiences are priceless.

They are also inexplicable if you do not experience them.

I do not know how is your work with other people, but I have certainly found a way for my awakening, simple and direct than, and even though I have done many work with myself, I did not reach this intensity and duration of contact with the Source, to this active and trans-formative stillness.

In the future I hope to see you again, I hope that in person and thus I can have a complete training of your way of working.

– Carlos Agut Fernandez,
Psychologist- (Castellón/Spain)

Patty Gregory

Monica’s Awakening coaching is elegant and powerful. Over the past year working together, we have explored an array of issues as concrete as entrepreneurial goal setting, health and wellness, pain management to deeper, more personal and spiritual inquiries.

The one-hour session is a deep and gently paced experience, usually resulting in an energy shift into a poignant revelation, or a profound sense of lightness and well-being.

Monica has a remarkable ability to quickly and artfully guide me to the core of the issue. I’ve even experienced immediate relief from chronic physical pain within a single session.

With Monica’s presence and clarity, I’ve gone beyond “the story” while learning to stay present to the moment and to my emotions. Together we’ve, identified personal patterns and blockages, demystifying and re-framing issues that previously felt dense or overwhelming.

I have come to love the practice of Monica’s “loving presence” which has brought to my personal and creative life, truer self-expression and a deeper awareness of my inner landscape.

After our sessions I find that I have more energy to execute my goals and am more productive .
I’m grateful for my courage to say “Yes” to myself and invest in this transformational journey with you.

                                                                                             – Patty Gregory, Singer, MA

Concha Campos

Monica is a wise teacher who in a tender and safe way, accompanies you on the journey of deepening and self-knowledge of who you really are. Hand in hand she leads you to safe spaces where the mind is set aside and shows you the essence of your Being.

I have known Monica’s work for more than 20 years and throughout this time she has been experimenting and understanding that there are other ways to live and enjoy LIFE.

She supports you in releasing heaviness-limitations, releasing wounds and showing others that we are more than a body. We are beings of Light.

Her work as a coach is unique, with a great wealth of emotions, which emerge from the heart and not from the mind.

To discover the strength of the heart and the light that we are, that is the uniqueness of this precious and beautiful work that she performs.

In gratitude,” Concha Campos

Begoña Jimenez

“At the beginning of this year 2020 I decided to contact Doctor Monica, I know her work well, since years ago thanks to her I began my personal adventure, after a process and a lot of commitment, I woke up a part in me that connected me with a more authentic, free and trusting life.

I am an entrepreneur and my mind is always planning for the future, so wanting to reconnect with the present and stop this troubled mind, we started our sessions again.

It has also coincided with a moment that no one wanted or expected and surrendering to this situation of confinement has been a great self-discovery opportunity, which is bringing me more confidence and harmony.

Thanks to her guide I continue to discover myself and accept every moment in this change worldwide, it is not only strengthening me, I also live it curiously.

Thank you Monica, your work is very POWERFUL and LIBERATING.

– Begoña Jimenez

Majbrit Bartholdy

I, who for so many years have been convinced of the traditional and conservative form of treatment / mindset and who for a long period of my life have regarded my lung problems as incurable, have now been Coached by Monica for a month. During that month I have worked intensively with a change in my view of myself, my body, my “illness”, my life, my relationship with my husband, my home and of course with a lot of focus on my lungs, which are the ones that show me that there is an imbalance in my life.
I am in process, no doubt about it and developing more and more a belief that my mindset is contributing to how I feel.
Monica coaching is direct and persistent, she immediately sees where the shoe is pressing and holds on to the “problem”, and shows the way to move on from there. Everything is turned upside down.
I consider Monica to be a very competent coach, you can safely trust your innermost guts

– Majbrit Bartholdy

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